Muscle Toning: 6 Things No One Explained To You
Muscle toning is very desirable in front of the mirror, especially when you get back to the gym. But “mirror, mirror mine”, are you invoking it for the right reasons?
1. Why is it so important to have your muscles toned?
First of all, muscle toning translates the muscle’s resistance to movement. This will ensure that, even at rest, the muscles are partially contracted. Toned muscles are thus fundamental for:
– Maintain good posture. There are specific exercises focused on the abdominal region and upper muscles that promote posture;
– Store energy, increase stamina and greater flexibility;
– Preserve musculoskeletal balance. Muscle toning distributes physical stress throughout the musculoskeletal system, rather than concentrating it on just a few muscles, tendons and ligaments;
– And, among other benefits, to regulate sleep. It is also during this period that the muscles relax. Muscle tone is associated with the quality of REM sleep cycles.
Muscle toning generally involves a reduction in weight and body fat. As a result, your chances of suffering from diabetes or cardiovascular problems may be reduced.
It’s important to keep your body toned, something that goes far beyond looking good. More than a mere aesthetic issue, a toned body is a body better prepared to respond to your movements. Above all, it is an indicator of a healthier body. The path to toning is therefore through a healthy lifestyle, based on exercise. This must be complemented with good nutrition and specific supplementation.
2. What is the difference between toning and defining muscle?
Both are very common terms in the gym context, but no confusion:
Toning implies “hardening”/strengthening the muscle. In other words, work is done on the muscle fibers that are important for the movement of the body.
Muscle definition involves enhancing the muscle. This is done by reducing fat – less fat, more lean muscle.
3. Muscle Toning is Important for Women: Why?
The fact of being a woman is in itself a risk factor for suffering from osteoporosis. This disease is characterized by reduced bone density, which weakens them, making them susceptible to breakage. The worst thing is that, before a bone fracture occurs, there may not be any symptoms.
There are several reasons why women are more exposed to this disease: bones tend to be smaller and thinner than men’s. In addition, estrogen, the hormone that, in women, protects the bones, decreases at menopause. This fact increases the risk of osteoporosis at this stage of life.
Aging can also lead to a decrease in nutrients and minerals responsible for maintaining bone density and strength.
Maintaining good muscle tone is therefore essential to protect the body. A body with strong, toned muscles is at less risk for injuries and fractures.
4. Muscle Toning is Important for Men: Why?
Men are generally taller and stronger than women. Therefore, it is natural that they run faster and are able to support greater weight loads. On the other hand, they have a shorter life expectancy and tend to have more chronic diseases compared to women. That’s why muscle health is very important.
We’re not just talking about skeletal people, who are “stuck” to the bones and allow a whole series of movements, from simple walking. Don’t forget that the body has more than 600 muscles!
Health takes work, but it pays!
5. Muscle toning is important for youngsters: why?
Good muscle tone in children helps them to have better balance and, consequently, better performance in sports activities. It also promotes agility and also helps to develop global motor skills, related to the general organization of the child’s rhythm, balance and general perceptions. It’s fundamental!
6. Muscle toning is important for seniors: why?
We might even think that old age is far away… However, remember that there are processes associated with aging, such as sarcopenia. This loss of muscle mass that happens with age and can start at 30! The factors range from sedentary lifestyle, inflammation, the “leakage” of fat into skeletal muscle.
Losing muscle mass is, above all, a bad indicator of the state of your health. When muscles are weak, they affect all your daily activities and your overall strength to perform them. Sarcopenia, which is associated with the development of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis, can affect mortality over 65 years of age. However, it is not a death sentence. Strength training and weight training are some of the exercises that can help strengthen muscle and bones.
GoldNutrition has a set of supplements that can help you in the muscle toning process and its maintenance. Discover them and find the ideal solution for your needs. However, be sure to consult your nutritionist before investing in any form of supplementation!